Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Module 4

Sorry this is so late, I've had a terrible time getting hold of the Adobe programs I needed to do this with!

Without further ado...

Module 4 - Part 1

I based my animatic very loosely on the old Jewish story of the golem.

Module 4 - Part 2

For part 2 of module 4 I made an animatic out of the opening scene of the first Star Wars film - A New Hope.

Module 4 - Part 3

It had been 3 days since Alberto had set sail into the 50 mile wide bay between Venice and Trieste, and he was starting to wonder if he would ever arrive. The lightest of pushes in the general direction of the other side from Giuseppe had sent the fragile vessel and its cargo of a weeks’ worth of carrots and the small donkey helplessly floating out to sea. For you see, Giuseppe had just learnt that he was to be sent to work as a crop picker for his rich uncle who owned a large plantation in Trieste.

Alberto was Giuseppe’s favourite animal from his parents small farm and he saw no harm in taking him along for the trip. Seeing as he wouldn’t be allowed on the train he thought the best way to transport him to his new home would be by boat. One windswept day in late October, just before Giuseppe’s departure, he had led Alberto down to a place by the ocean where he knew a rickety old rowing boat had been tied up for years. After flinging the generous helping of carrots into the dilapidated boat, Alberto quickly followed suit, hopping over the side of the boat, making it rock a little.

Giuseppe had then untied the rope and with one smooth motion pushed the boat out into the bay, leaving Alberto staring longingly back up towards his old paddock as he helplessly drifted towards wherever the current would take him. Three long days had passed as the boat cut a wayward pattern through the calm waters – occasionally the shore would come into view in the distance, although Alberto wasn’t sure if he would ever make it back there.

All of a sudden, a small sandy island with a few patchy areas of vegetation came into view, and without a second thought Alberto leant into the side of the wooden boat until he splashed into the water as he made a desperate bid for dry land.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Module 3, Parts 1 and 2 (Part 3 to follow!)

1) A storyboard depicting part of a scene from The Man Who Wasn't There, shot by shot with a few annotations. Sorry for picking the final scene - I hope no one is planning on watching this anytime soon! I thought I'd start off by picking a film that would let me concentrate on what is going on (as the background is purposefully almost empty) and then move on to more complex, busy scenes for my other parts of this assignment.

For part 2 of this assignment I looked at the script for Die Hard 1 and turned the opening scene into a storyboard. Watching the actual film back after having finished my work I found that whilst a few of my directions for the shots were similar to those used in the film, many of them were completely different.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment 1

Here is my work for assignment 1!

The first task was to create a scene that depicted a complete narative. I chose the process of evolution, and whilst looking for ideas came across some images that were more Orwell than Darwin. I adapted one of these ideas to my work and think it came out pretty well as I was worried I had little to no artistic talent.

For the next piece of work I had to create useable instructions for a relatively simple task. I opted for how to build a snowman, although my friend from Hong Kong was confused as to what the carrot was!

For the third and final piece of work I looked at the "novels in pictures" of Otto Nuckel and created an image to follow on from one of the ones in his story.

Here is the original image

and here is the image I created, first in it's original hand drawn form

and then after a few tweaks on the computer

Unfortunately the hand drawn version didn't come out too well when scanned in, and I would perhaps have been better off using something other than just pencils for the filled black areas.

These are links to full size copies of the images I have produced.

The images were all produced entirely by hand using drawing pencils on sketch paper.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is my new blog where I will be posting my work from graphic storytelling. Stay Tuned!